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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


GameTitle - Static variable in class com.amirhn.GUI.Constants
The constant GameTitle.
generate(char, Location) - Static method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Generate piece.
generate(King, Rook) - Static method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Castling
Generate castling.
generate(PieceType, Color, Location) - Static method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Generate piece.
getActivePieces(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets active pieces.
getAllowedMoves() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets allowed moves.
getAllowedMoves(Chess) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Gets allowed moves.
getAllowedMoves(Chess) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets allowed moves.
getAllPieces() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Board
Gets all pieces.
getBoard() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets board.
getBoard() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Scene
Gets board.
getColor() - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets color.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Capture
Gets endpoint location.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Castling
Gets endpoint location.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.EnPassant
Gets endpoint location.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Move
Gets endpoint location.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Promotion
Gets endpoint location.
getEndpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Walk
Gets endpoint location.
getKing(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets king.
getKingSideRook(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets king side rook.
getLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Gets location.
getLocationPanel(int, int) - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.Components.TablePanel
Gets location panel.
getLocationPanel(Location) - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.Components.TablePanel
Gets location panel.
getNaturalMoves(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.King
Gets natural moves.
getNaturalMoves(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Pawn
Gets natural moves.
getNaturalMoves(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Gets natural moves.
getNaturalMoves(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets natural moves.
getOpponentPlayer() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets opponent player.
getPiece(Location) - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Board
Gets piece.
getPieces(Board, PieceType) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets pieces.
getPlayer(Color) - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets player.
getQueenSideRook(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets queen side rook.
getRandomMove() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets random move.
getRooks(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets rooks.
getStartpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Capture
Gets startpoint location.
getStartpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Castling
Gets startpoint location.
getStartpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Move
Gets startpoint location.
getStartpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Promotion
Gets startpoint location.
getStartpointLocation() - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Walk
Gets startpoint location.
getStatus() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets status.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Gets symbol.
getSymbol(Color) - Method in enum class com.amirhn.Pieces.PieceType
Gets symbol.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Bishop
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.King
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Knight
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Pawn
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Piece
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Queen
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Pieces.Rook
Gets threatened locations.
getThreatenedLocations(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Players.Player
Gets threatened locations.
getTurn() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Scene
Gets turn.
getTurnPlayer() - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Gets turn player.
GreenColor - Static variable in class com.amirhn.GUI.Constants
The constant GreenColor.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form