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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.ChessMenuBar
Action performed.
addPiecePanel(PiecePanel, Location) - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.Components.BoardPanel
Add piece panel.
applyMove(Move) - Method in class com.amirhn.Game.Chess
Apply move boolean.
applyMove(Move) - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.ChessController
Apply move boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Capture
Apply on board boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Castling
Apply on board boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.EnPassant
Apply on board boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Move
Apply on board boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Promotion
Apply on board boolean.
applyOnBoard(Board) - Method in class com.amirhn.Moves.Walk
Apply on board boolean.
applyRandomMove() - Method in class com.amirhn.GUI.ChessController
Apply random move.
applyRandomMove() - Method in interface com.amirhn.GUI.ChessMenuController
Apply random move.
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